Priority access to Allocated Whiskeys and Bourbons
Top Loyalty members of the month will have priority access to the allocated whiskey release
Top Loyalty members of the year will have priority access to the allocated whiskey only released once a year
How to Join
Step 1 :- Signup for Loyalty Card in store
Step 2 :- Join BOURBON CLUB by creating new account at
(will require Loyalty Card Number to create new account)
How it Works
Members will be notified about the Allocated Whiskey release with product details by email
Once members get the email with the product detail, they can login into their account online and select their preferences within specified date and time
Members can select up to 6 preferences from each group
Only select the preferences that you would like to purchase
All Preferences once submitted cannot be changed or deleted
All the preferences will be fulfilled based on members previous month total purchases
Limit 1 bottle from each group per member, if available as per their preferences